Assalaamu-alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
I’tikaaf is one of the confirmed Sunnahs which the Prophet ﷺ (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) did regularly. The i’tikaaf which the Prophet ﷺ always observed at the end of his life is i’tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadaan.
We encourage those who are able to perform this sunnah to do so and to make the best out of Ramadan along with it. The time for entering I’tikaaf is before the sun sets on the night of the twenty-first which corresponds to Tuesday evening (April 11th) before Maghrib, inshaa’Allah.
You can register for I’tikaaf on the following link → here.
Masjid Ar-Rahman Foundation of North Vancouver