Masjid Ar-Rahman Foundation of North Vancouver
(the first and only Masjid & Islamic Center in the North Shore)
North Vancouver is a beautiful city in British Columbia, Canada. This city, however, was missing a Sunni dedicated Masjid to serve the many Muslims living in the area. Rather, the faithful would gather in rented units, or journey across the Burrard Inlet to Vancouver for their religious duties.
Seeing this need, in 2012 the North Vancouver Islaamic Association was formed. It purchased a church on the corner of Phillip and W.15th Street and began the renovation and re-construction that transformed it into a Masjid. By the Grace of Allaah, the Masjid was completed in early 2013. Masjid Ar-Rahman was opened, and it is now a place of worship, relaxation and learning for the Muslims living in the North Shore area, and its surroundings. This project united all Muslims who follow the Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم with the understanding of his noble companions (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman & Ali) رضي الله عنهم أجمعين
The brothers and sisters of the community are very active and are involved in various programs at the Masjid. In order to continue to facilitate this spirit and to inspire further growth, the Masjid also has a dedicated section for the sisters. The “Light of the Believers” or “Noor Al-Mu’minaat” was established in the summer of 2013 and will enhance the Masjid community by better serving the sisters and their families Insha’Allah.
الأنشطة التي يوفرها مسجد الرحمن لمرتاديه تشمل كل ما يلي
Masjid Ar-Rahman is committed to the Muslim community the following services:
الخدمات الاخرى التي نسعى إلى تنفيذهها
Other services we seek to implement:
لذلك نرجو منكم زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني باستمرار لمعرفة كل ماهو جديد ..
كما اننا نرحب بكل اقتراحاتكم و تعليقاتكم لتطوير أنشطتنا بما يتناسب مع متطلباتكم
So stay tuned and we welcome your suggestions and comments to improve our activities to meet all your needs according to the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the first three blessed generations of this Ummah.